Thursday, July 21, 2011

Au Revoir Fonty And Another Game of Catch Up

Well folks, our time in Fontainebleau has come to an end. It was a great ride and we're still getting used to the idea that France isn't our home for the time being. I don't think it'll be the last time for us though - Karim loves to quote the catchy Friendly Fires song and say "someday we're gonna live in Paris - I promise..." I'm holding him to it.

But before we wrap up our INSEAD portion of this blog, we need to play catch up once again.

Since we last wrote we've traveled to Ibiza and Sevilla, Spain and took a chartered flight to Split, Croatia with the majority of Karim's class for our official graduation trip. Then Nehdi arrived and Karim graduated (and yes, I screamed like a proud soccer mom for him when they announced his name!). We said good bye to INSEAD in typical fashion - with a great big party at a chateau full of champagne, bad dancing and a few tears. The next morning it was off to Greece with our good friends Kelsey and Justin. And now I'm back in the US of A with my family here in Bethesda. Karim got the short end of the stick and single-handedly moved 14 of our suitcases and boxes from Fonty to London via the Eurostar and then hauled them off to storage for a month. He's also on a mission to find us our London flat. Wish him luck!

Karim will be back on Saturday and then, come mid-August, we'll be off to our new home - London!

But before then, we'll share some photos from the past month or so.

1 comment:

  1. What a ride! What a year you had guys! I am really really glad I had a glims of it through the few times I was with you in Fonty. I am so happy for both of you and frankly a bit jalous... but what the heck. It's your time and hope it last much more. As I know you and know the "bug" you caught, I am sure what you had done is just the tip of the iceberg.
    I will continue to cherish the idea that the globe trotters that you are, are my family and thus where ever you go I am there in spirit and maybe sometimes we can hook-up...
    Much love to the best and beautiful couple I know.
